Wednesday, October 21, 2009

For All of My Fellow Shoe Lovers...

Would you like to join the World's Premier Shoe Society?  ShoeDazzle is a website, created by Kim Kardashian and her stylist friends, that provides you with your own personal shoe stylist.  For just $39 a month, you get personalized shoe recommendations from qualified shoe stylists, one pair of shoes sent to you each month, and free shipping on all shoes!  The shoes range from stylish heels, to adorable flats, to cute booties.

This site is convenient, very helpful, and so fun--you start out by taking a shoe quiz! So, if you love shoes, I suggest you check out this website.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, awesome interactive site for shoe girls like yourself. I like how it gives surveys to determine what your "personal style" is. I really like this idea a lot. I do wonder what the quality of the shoes are for 39 bucks a pair, but I love the site.
